
2 D and 3 D Preforms

MaruHachi manufacturs 2D preforms such as laminate, stacks, tailored blanks etc., using their inhouse confidental lamination process for the various tapes. MaruHachi is also able to make near-net shaped flat 2 D parts that can be converted or formed in a customized process by integrating it e.g. into the injection moulding process. For 3 D preforms such as ATL/AFP preforms, pressed preforms and pultrusion, MaruHachi is working with various moulding shops and can provide near-net shaped 3 D preforms as defined by the customer.

Multi-Axial Layer Thermoplastic Sheets


Carbon Fiber, Glass Fiber, Aramid Fiber & others
DU-Tape, Organic sheet, Random sheet, etc.


Multiaxial/Combinations of 0°, 90°, 45°, -45°
0°/90° (Organo sheet), random, etc.


W 1,000 / W 1,500 mm x continuous length


Depending on the structure

Tailored specifications

Specifications are adjustable on customer requirements

Thermoplastic Laminates


Carbon Fiber, Glass Fiber, Aramid Fiber & others
UD-Tape, Organic sheet, Random sheet, etc.


Multiaxial/Combinations of 0°, 90°, 45°, -45°
0°/90° (Organic sheet), random, etc.


W 500 mm x L 500 mm @Mid-Temp Matrix
W 1,000 mm x L 1,500 mm @Mid-Temp Matrix
W 1,500 mm x L 2,000 mm @Mid-Temp Matrix


1.0 mm to 5.0 mm